Fast Result in 10 MINUTES

AI-Powered Result

High level of ACCURACY
Disposable Bag
For Easy & Safe Disposal
Safe Nasal Swab
Intelligently designed for bio containment
Shelf Life
24 months at storage conditions of 15-25°C (Room Temp.)

Intelligently Designed
Filled with solution which inactivates the virus and designed in the manner to control.
Unique QR Code
For Accurate Report Generation

4 Easy Steps

1 - Sample

2 - Mix

3 - Drop

4 - Result
How does CoviEasy Test Work?
The test kit contains a pre-filled extraction tube, sterile nasal swab, testing Card, biohazard bag, and a Instruction Manual, which will help you walk through the process step by step. Self-collected nasal swab samples are used to determine if an individual is positive or negative. The swab sample must be placed inside the extraction tube to mix with the liquid inside. Then, using the unique QR code on the CoviEasy app, you can find your results from the testing device.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will I be able to do the Test on my own?
Yes, the Test is fairly simple. With an attached manual instruction booklet, you can easily perform the Test at home.
Will the Test hurt?
No. You have to apply gentle pressure on the nasal swab while collecting the sample from your nose. It might feel uncomfortable. If you feel pain, then stop the Test and consult a healthcare provider.
What are the advantages of the Test?
The CoviEasy test results can help you determine whether you are infected with Covid-19 or not. Test results can help you make informed decisions about your health. In addition, early screening of the Test can prevent infection in the community.
What is Serial Testing?
Serial Test is when individual tests themselves multiple times a day for Covid-19. Some individuals have to go out regularly for work or other requirements. If you need to take Tests frequently, CoviEasy is a solution to detect Covid-19 quickly from comfort of your home.
What happens if I am positive?
According to ICMR guidelines, all individuals who test positive may be considered as true positives, and no-repeat testing is required. In addition, all Test positive individuals are advised to follow home isolation guidelines or consult the doctor for further treatment procedures.